I cannot believe how quickly time flies! Jaxson you are six months old today and already growing WAY too fast for my liking. You are getting quite the personality and are such a busy bee! You LOVE LOVE LOVE your sister and happiest when you have her hair in your fists or your mouth~ needless to say she is not to thrilled about that. You are by far the LOUDEST baby with your screams as you play! People are always asking "what was that noise" it is pretty funny that most people think there is a bird around yet it is only you! We can't wait to see what you are going to be up to in the upcoming months~ we love you so much little guy!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Crazy Days
Monday and Tuesday were crazy hair day and crazy clothes day respectively at mackie's school. I was super stoked when she said she wanted to participate this year cause last year she didn't want anything to do with it. She had so much fun and was a big hit at school being that she was one of four that actually did it!
Strike a pose!!
Crazy girl!
Crazy Clothes
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Daddy and Mackie go fishing!
Today Brandon's company had a fishing trip for thier employees and kids~ Mackie was more than thrilled to go with Daddy fishing and was a trooper waking up at 5:30 this morning to head out. She had a blast and couldn't wait to tell Mommy all about it when she got home.

My Beauty 
Mackie and Daddy
Oh the stuff Daddy makes her do
So proud of her Fish she caught
Mackie and her new friend All the kids from the trip
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Welcome Callie!
Our new niece/cousin Callie Danae Pacini has arrived~ We are more than thrilled to welcome a new addition to the fam! A little jealous that she is in NM and we cannot see her in person or hold her yet~ but we are working on plans to get back there soon! Here she is in the same outfit that her Momma went home in!

We love her so much already. Congrats sister she is perfect.

Here she is with big brother Aiden~ this is "his" Callie girl
Can't wait to meet you in person little lady!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday Night Fun
Tonight Daddy had a great idea to take McKayla to putt-putt golf! We took off straight after work and stopped at Z pizza for dinner (daddy's treat) and then headed to Boomers in Fountain Valley. This was Mackie's first time and she had a ball~ She got the hang of it pretty quickly and on a couple of holes I think she totally kicked B and mine's butt. She rocked and it was so much fun to get out and do something different. Oh yeah and on the last hole I got a hole-in-one which got us a free game~ Looks like we will be heading back for another round pretty soon! Who's in?
Had to hit up the arcade before we left!
Dinner on the Beach
One thing I LOVE about living in Cali is being so close to the beach~ Although we hardly make it down there~ it's nice to be able to just pack some sandwiches and go for an hour or so to eat dinner and that's just what we did! It was a bit windy but we made it work. This was also Jaxson's first time putting his feet in the sand and let me tell you~ HE LOVED IT. I was remember when Mackie first put her feet in the sand, she was about 4 months old and didn't want anything to do with it. Just another difference between these two~ I tell ya they are like night and day!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mackie's Tent
So Sunday Daddy and Papoo decided to go fishing~ what else is new right~ so Mackie decides to put up a tent in the living room and watch T.V. from there. Well the tent stayed up ALL day and she HAD to do everything in her tent~ which included getting her nails done and eating lunch! I forget how sometimes something so simple can be so entertaining!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
We're BACK!!!!!!!
ok so after a very long hiatus, a job change, a new baby and just a very hard last year we are (hopefully) up and running again. Tons of stuff has been going on and so I am going to have some posts from things we did in the past and posts about our current happenings!
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