Well no photos this time. This weekend was good, Friday we went out to Macaroni Grill for a late dinner for Anthea's birthday so the rest of the family could celebrate with her. Saturday I had our SWBA finale called the "Nightmare on Wall Street" tourney. It was the top 10 (actually 12) teams from the year and we fished only the Long Beach Breakwall. Partner and I did well and took 2nd Place so that was cool. Fishing was a little slow all around though. Sunday the three of us went out to a big RV show in Pomona to get familiar with RVs since I am starting a side venture publication on RVing with a friend of mine.
The fires are the big news out here. There is one here south of us in Irvine, a bunch in San Diego, and some up by Malibu. I'm sure you have heard something about them or you've been living under a rock the last week. The sky is nasty and brown and the sun is blotted out much of the time today. The Santa Ana winds haven't let up yet and keep making things worse. We are safe as we live close to the harbor and away from major hills and such. Talked to my friend Marco who is living down in San Diego and he said it is really bad outside with the air quality and that he and his girlfriend are doing fine, but if the fire(s) get close to them they might have to head up here to hang with us. He said the 5 fwy heading north is already grid-locked...Praying that things get better for everyone. Feel bad for those that lost their homes and are displaced...
Miss everyone, hope everyone reading this is doing well..
Brandon and the fam
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Condor 2-day trip
Well I went on a 2-day trip on the Condor "for work" on 10.7 - 10.9 and the fishing was rather poor. The weather was pretty killer, but the boat had 30 or so people on it and I think we only got around 20 fish. I managed to get one 10-lb. or so dorado.

Dad went on this trip too, but he didn't manage to get anything. But he was also shooting pics half the time and plus the fishing was rather slow for a 2-day.. Anyways, Anthea's Mom and Danny and her sister Sonia and the kids are here. They all went up to the Getty Center in LA today and I'm stuck working. Anthea's birthday is this weekend so it should be fun. Miss everyone...

Dad went on this trip too, but he didn't manage to get anything. But he was also shooting pics half the time and plus the fishing was rather slow for a 2-day.. Anyways, Anthea's Mom and Danny and her sister Sonia and the kids are here. They all went up to the Getty Center in LA today and I'm stuck working. Anthea's birthday is this weekend so it should be fun. Miss everyone...
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sand Castles
Yesterday we went down to Corona Del Mar beach for thier yearly sand castle contest. It had been a little cool the last couple of days so we figured being down by the water it would be a good idea to dress a little warmer. Boy were we wrong. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! A beautiful day to hang out at the beach all day. Too bad we were not dressed for the occassion. Being fully dressed never stops McKayla from getting in the water though. Forget about the sand castles she wanted to get her feet wet.

We did get to see the different sand creations and here are some of our favorites

This one is called "Mt. Lushmore" Carved into it is supposed to be Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan~ Not really one of our favorites but kind of funny!

Poor Nemo! They turned him into a fish taco!

This octopus was McKayla's favorite!

"The King has Two Thrones" I loved this one~ The king is walking from his castle to the outhouse! So clever!
We did get to see the different sand creations and here are some of our favorites
This one is called "Mt. Lushmore" Carved into it is supposed to be Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan~ Not really one of our favorites but kind of funny!
Poor Nemo! They turned him into a fish taco!
This octopus was McKayla's favorite!
"The King has Two Thrones" I loved this one~ The king is walking from his castle to the outhouse! So clever!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Hi guys,
Well, things have been going well. McKayla has been doing awesome in school and is in the 4-year-old pre-K class and the teacher says she is doing excellent. We're still getting adjusted to her not taking naps anymore, but we're getting there. Penn and Tina had their baby boy a few weeks ago so they are enjoying him and taking some time off. Dad and Alison's little boy Fisher (my little brother) might have to have surgery on his head because of the way the skull is fusing together as he grows. It isn't life threatening, but is a cosmetic thing that might need to be done.
I don't have any recent photos other than a shot of the girls from the Angel game a couple weeks ago and then a shot of me and a 5-lb. sand bass.

I went fishing with my buddy Eric and we had a pretty decent evening of fishing at the Oil Islands, which are man made oil paltforms off Long Beach in the Long Beach Harbor. They are really pretty at night and host a ton of fish around them.. I really like this type of fishing... I have the 5th tournament of the SWBA, which is a saltwater bass fishing series out here that I cover (and fish) for the paper, on Saturday. Hope we do good...
Well, talk to everyone soon. Miss everybody...
Well, things have been going well. McKayla has been doing awesome in school and is in the 4-year-old pre-K class and the teacher says she is doing excellent. We're still getting adjusted to her not taking naps anymore, but we're getting there. Penn and Tina had their baby boy a few weeks ago so they are enjoying him and taking some time off. Dad and Alison's little boy Fisher (my little brother) might have to have surgery on his head because of the way the skull is fusing together as he grows. It isn't life threatening, but is a cosmetic thing that might need to be done.
I don't have any recent photos other than a shot of the girls from the Angel game a couple weeks ago and then a shot of me and a 5-lb. sand bass.

I went fishing with my buddy Eric and we had a pretty decent evening of fishing at the Oil Islands, which are man made oil paltforms off Long Beach in the Long Beach Harbor. They are really pretty at night and host a ton of fish around them.. I really like this type of fishing... I have the 5th tournament of the SWBA, which is a saltwater bass fishing series out here that I cover (and fish) for the paper, on Saturday. Hope we do good...
Well, talk to everyone soon. Miss everybody...
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