Yesterday we went down to Corona Del Mar beach for thier yearly sand castle contest. It had been a little cool the last couple of days so we figured being down by the water it would be a good idea to dress a little warmer. Boy were we wrong. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! A beautiful day to hang out at the beach all day. Too bad we were not dressed for the occassion. Being fully dressed never stops McKayla from getting in the water though. Forget about the sand castles she wanted to get her feet wet.

We did get to see the different sand creations and here are some of our favorites

This one is called "Mt. Lushmore" Carved into it is supposed to be Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan~ Not really one of our favorites but kind of funny!

Poor Nemo! They turned him into a fish taco!

This octopus was McKayla's favorite!

"The King has Two Thrones" I loved this one~ The king is walking from his castle to the outhouse! So clever!
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