The day after Halloween we took off to visit NM! We had a great time but like always the trip was a short one (I would probably still say that if we were there a whole month). We got to go to an Aggie Football game.. GO AGGIES... Unfortunately they lost~ Oh well it was still fun. Here is a pic of the gang at the Aggie game.
Anthea and McKayla got to go to the Renaissance Faire, Brandon and McKayla took a trip up to Ruidoso and the rest of the time was spent just hanging with the families.
Here is a picture of all the cousins hanging out at Papa's house
Anthea's Grandma celebrating her b-day at Grandma Cristy's house
Us with Grandma Karla, Uncle Trappy, Granny B and Grandpa
McKayla with a long long long time friend of mommy's~ Beck
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