Here I go already slacking on keeping things up to date on our blog. Well a lot has been going on since we last posted. We of course had Halloween and McKayla (I mean Sleeping Beauty) was of course just gorgeous. We had dressed her and Uncle Fisher up the Sunday before Halloween and took them out to the pumpkin patch for some pictures and then we went trick-or-treating to some friends and family around here that we knew we wouldn't get to Halloween night. So here is a picture of the Beauty herself

The day after Halloween we took off to visit NM! We had a great time but like always the trip was a short one (I would probably still say that if we were there a whole month). We got to go to an Aggie Football game.. GO AGGIES... Unfortunately they lost~ Oh well it was still fun. Here is a pic of the gang at the Aggie game.

Anthea and McKayla got to go to the Renaissance Faire, Brandon and McKayla took a trip up to Ruidoso and the rest of the time was spent just hanging with the families.
Here is a picture of all the cousins hanging out at Papa's house

Anthea's Grandma celebrating her b-day at Grandma Cristy's house

Us with Grandma Karla, Uncle Trappy, Granny B and Grandpa

McKayla with a long long long time friend of mommy's~ Beck